Tequila Mockingbird (3)

I learned how to play the piano in 21 days when I was 11. I was always a very musical child. My parents took notice and put me in singing and dancing classes where I thrived. My only friends were my Studio Friends. We went to Sustained Studio and I took tap, jazz, ballet, point, singing, and performance classes. I was literally at Sustained for at least four hours at least five days a week for my entire childhood.  

This is where I learned everything about myself.  

During my junior year in college I would meet in the Sustained back lot an hour before class with my studio besties Jeremy and Zoe. We’d eat 7-11 food, talk about our routines and songs, and just enjoy time together. I went to public school, Jeremy to private, and Zoe to a girls school twenty miles away.  

We started calling the lot Sustained Theatrics because were doing THE MOST while we were out there. Strutting like we’re at a ball, reciting our favorite movie scenes, and finally LIP SYNCING while blasting the cassette player in Zoe’s vintage Volvo.